80 Taxi Driver Required
Jobs Description
We are looking for a friendly, experienced Taxi Driver to join our company. The Taxi Driver’s responsibilities include collecting clients, transporting them to their destinations, and processing payments. You should also ensure that each journey remains safe and pleasant.
To be successful as a Taxi Driver, you should be punctual, reliable, and excellent at time management. An outstanding Taxi Driver will ensure that the vehicle remains stocked with supplies that may be of interest to clients, which includes items such as daily papers.
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80 Taxi Driver Required

80 Taxi Driver Required
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80 Taxi Driver Required
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More information.
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Any Question about job descriptions, salaries and other details concerning jobs and all other employment opportunities in saudi arabia, please email us. We look forward to working with you, please feel free to contact us by email. shahidabbas4659@gmail.com
We welcome all International candidates, we would be happy to help you.
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